Vehicle theft and theft of personal property from inside vehicles has been on the rise in Vermont in recent years. Here are some tips to protect your car and your belongings.
Everyone knows the basics:
- Lock your vehicle.
- Do not leave items of value in your car.
- Don’t leave keys in or around your vehicle.
But what are some other things you might not have considered?
In the winter, pre-starting your car before you head out is second nature for many people, but you should avoid this practice if you have an older model vehicle that requires the keys to be in the ignition. Never leave a vehicle unattended with the keys inside. Everyone likes a warm car on a winter day, but it isn’t worth the risk of vehicle theft!
In the summer, keep your windows closed completely while unattended. It may be a good way to keep your car interior cool while parked, but it can put you at risk of your car being broken into or taken.
If you want additional layers of security against vehicle theft, steering wheel locks or other locking systems can be great deterrents by making your car a more difficult target. Tracking systems or tracking tags like AirTags can be kept in a discrete location in your vehicle to make recovery easier in the event of theft.
What to do if your vehicle is stolen?
Contact the police immediately! Make sure you know the following information:
- The year, make, model, and color of your vehicle.
- Your license plate number.
- The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of your vehicle.]
- Any other identifying features of your vehicle, such as stickers, equipment racks, previous damage, etc.
Contact your insurance company within 24 hours and be prepared to provide a copy of your police report.