Student loans are not considered a qualified income source for the purpose of a rental application, but recent, current, or soon-to-be full-time students may instead use a co-signer or guarantor.
Resident Services FAQ
Can I get a cosigner if I have bad credit?
Cosigners and guarantors are a suitable option for current, recent, or soon-to-be full-time students or retirees or others who have not had the opportunity to establish credit, employment history and income, or rental history. Applicants will not qualify for a cosigner as a replacement for low credit, delinquent or derogatory credit history, or unverifiable and […]
Will I get approved if I have bad credit?
We review the entirety of an application before making an approval decision. Therefore, a strength in one area of the application may compensate for a weakness in another area. so strengths and in one area may offset weakness is another. However, significant weaknesses in any one area (such as low income or a low credit […]
Do I need to resubmit my rental application if it’s been awhile since I applied?
You may need to resubmit your rental application after 90 days. Please reach out to us at with any questions.
Do you charge an application fee?
We do not charge an application fee, but a credit check fee is required to submit your application. This fee is a direct, 3rd party cost of reviewing your credit and/or criminal history. We are unable to accept credit reports directly from rental applicants to ensure the integrity and thoroughness of our application review process, […]
Application Review Guidelines
Stage 1: ApplySubmit your application directly via a link on one of our available listings. Each of your housemates/roommates/cosigners needs to submit their own separate application. Stage 2: PrepayNext, you should prepay your credit/background check fee via This is a “hold” that will only be charged if we begin reviewing your applicant group. If another applicant […]